See the latest announcements, news and events from the business and technology hub Carinthia.
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Carinthia Secures Europe’s First Hydrogen Valley
Carinthia, Upper Austria, and Styria are launching Europe’s first Hydrogen Valley, a milestone in industrial decarbonization. Supported by the European Commission, this initiative will position Austria as a pioneer in hydrogen research and innovation.
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Michael Stabentheiner
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In May 2025, Klagenfurt will host the first-ever Circular Plastics Experience Summit (CIRPLEX) – a pioneering trade fair and congress hybrid dedicated to sustainable and circular plastics solutions in the Alpine-Adriatic region.
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Carinthia: New Whitepaper Unlocks Growth Opportunities for Companies
A new whitepaper about Carinthia offers practical support for companies to unlock new business opportunities. This is the first document to consolidate all funding programs, collaboration opportunities for contract research, and key location advantages of Carinthia in one place.
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“Carinthiacus” 2024: Honoring Outstanding Ambassadors for Carinthia
The “Carinthiacus”, established by Regionmarketing Carinthia, celebrates individuals whose contributions make Carinthia’s appeal and innovative strength visible both nationally and internationally.
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(c) LPD Kärnten/Kuess / LPD Kärnten/Kuess
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Latest study shows: Carinthia offers best quality of life in Austria
The current study by s REAL Immobilien and reveals: People in Carinthia are happier thanks to higher ownership rates and above-average quality of life, especially in rural areas where prices are more affordable.
Austrian Airlines flies to Klagenfurt: early and late flights back in the program
In April, Austrian Airlines will resume the daytime connection, which is important for business and tourism purposes, and will then fly 13 times a week to the Star Alliance hub in Vienna. Klagenfurt will also receive a technology base.
A new technology park as a science and innovation district with a focus on sustainable construction. The first building is scheduled to be completed in 2027.
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Foto Copyright by Johannes Puch
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Artificial intelligence for Carinthian nursing homes
Documentation requirements in nursing homes are extremely time-consuming: Artificial intelligence is intended to relieve the burden on caretakers in Carinthia.
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Know-how from Carinthia & Styria for products worldwide
The major strength of microelectronics delivers technology from southern Austria into every second server around the world - and far beyond that.
Milestone for research in Carinthia: The new 1,100 m² clean room of SAL
The new research clean room at Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) in Villach was opened on October 18th 2023. In this first step, 20 million euros were invested, with more to follow.
Ten European cities - including Klagenfurt - were awarded the EU Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities label in Brussels. The EU Mission label is an award for cities' efforts to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.
The non-profit organization Startup Carinthia publishes the Carinthian Startup Ecosystem map. A pioneering initiative to strengthen, make visible and Promoting the start-up ecosystem in the business, technology, education and Carinthia as a research location.
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Renewable energy is still booming in Carinthia
A large part of global industry is affected by the economic downturn, but not so green technology companies in Carinthia. An economic survey by Green Tech Valley, the center for innovative energy and environmental technology, shows that the renewable energy sector is booming and continues to grow.
Economic development: Carinthia is ahead with innovative programs
Carinthia is setting the course for the future with innovative business development, a clear focus on cooperation and the green economy and smart specialization.
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Michael Stabentheiner
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