International Award for Carinthia
The Government of the Austrian State of Carinthia has been granted one of the 2020 IFFD Awards for their commitment in making their region “the most child- and family-friendly region in Europe”.

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
The international 2020 IFFD Award is related to the Sustainable Development Goals, the Venice Declaration, and the support and advice provided to families during these challenging times of the coronavirus pandemic.
With the award, Carinthia may also officially use the internationally known logo of the IFFD, thus visibly underlining its efforts for children and families.
The International Federation for Family Development enjoys General Consultative Status as a non-governmental organization to the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 1999.
The Award. will be presented during the IFFD Briefing, Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 10.00-11.15AM New York time. Previously, Veneto, Singapore, Barcelona, Estonia and Malta have also received the IFFD award.