Multilingual education for children, adolescents and students in Carinthia
Multilingual education opportunities for children, young people and students
Throughout its history, Carinthia has always had a multilingual slant, due to its two official languages – Slovenian and German – and its location in the three-country triangle between Austria, Italy and Slovenia. Carinthia’s geographical position definitely has a lot to do with its international mindset.

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Language teaching at Carinthian schools
English is mandatory at primary and secondary level, either on an additive or integrative basis. Compulsory schooling at primary and secondary level may also include linguistic areas of emphasis that are set by the individual schools. Schools are free to increase the number of hours of English per week or offer additional languages on an optional basis. This targeted focus on multilingualism should also be seen as a tool for fostering gifted students.
In the school year 2020/21, the pilot project Carinthian bilingual Primary School (CBS) will start at the VS 9 Körner-Schule in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee and at the VS 1 Khevenhüller-Schule in Villach. All lessons will be held in German and English.
In addition, Volksschule 24 is a public bilingual elementary school in which German and Slovenian are official teaching languages. The Catholic private school Hermagoras is a private elementary school that also offers bilingual lessons (German/Slovenian) and the teaching of Christian values.
Secondary academic schools (“AHS”) or secondary vocational schools (“BHS”) are autonomous in the sense that they are free to add further languages to their teaching portfolio, including a modern language as the working language in non-language-related subjects. Based on bilateral agreements that Austria has concluded, native speakers are used for language teaching in Carinthia.
_ The Europagymnasium in Klagenfurt teaches bilingually (German and English) in the “Europa” stream.
_ At the BG/BRG St. Martin Villach, most subjects are taught in English in the bilingual stream. In addition, students may choose between placing their curricular emphasis on languages, i.e. French and Latin, or on natural sciences, which are taught bilingually.
_ At the BRG Spittal, history is taught in English in addition to regular English lessons.
_ At the BG/BRG St. Veit, geography is taught in English in addition to regular English lessons.
Two excellent examples for multilingual education opportunities in Carinthia are the ISC International School Carinthia in Velden and a region-specific institution, the Academic High School for Slovenian speakers in Klagenfurt / Državna realna gimnazija za Slovence v Celovcu. The University of Klagenfurt, the Fachhochschule Kärnten and other educational facilities also offer multilingual services and a range of language courses.
An international education & Christian values
The ISC International School Carinthia is open to local and international families alike. This young school promotes lifelong learning as well as local, regional and global perspectives and approaches to learning that fit the 21st century. The educational offer of the ISC is broad and comprises International Baccalaureate Diploma programmes as well as Austrian diplomas. This dual structure means that the school remains compatible with other Austrian primary and secondary schools of all types. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are supported with scholarships and bursaries.

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ISC International School Carinthia
Rosentaler Straße 15 | 9220 Velden am Wörthersee | Austria
T +43 4274 52471 10
Mon to Fri, 8am until 4pm | Fri 8am until 12 noon
Individual meetings by appointment
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Regional identity & the spirit of European cooperation
The Slovenian academic high school was founded in 1957 and aims at opening up the world to its students through an active commitment to multilingualism. The BG/BRG for Slovenian speakers in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee is the only academic high school in Austria where Slovenian is the language of instruction. This is a well-connected, modern school where German and Slovenian are taught in equal amounts, with Italian and English as additional working languages.
The school is attended by Slovenian- and German-speaking children from Carinthia, children from neighbouring regions in Italy and Slovenia, and children from other parts of the world who live in Carinthia. The emphasis lies on a solid general education and on imparting key skills for studying and working, such as personal development, health, environmental and peace education.

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
BG/BRG for Slovenian-speakers
Prof. Janežič Platz 1
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | Austria
T +43 (0)463 333 53
German website
Slovenian website
Other bilingual education opportunities
German & Slovenian
- In the bilingual regions of Carinthia, there are 59 primary schools that offer instruction in both German and Slovenian, with all compulsory subjects being taught in both languages. Some of these primary schools also teach Italian in addition to German, Slovenian and English.
- 17 high schools teach compulsory Slovenian and English in addition to German as the language of instruction. Italian is offered as a compulsory elective or optional subject.
- At the bilingual commercial college in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, German and Slovenian rank equally as languages of instruction, while English and Italian are compulsory subjects. Croatian, Russian, French and Latin are also on offer.
- The Private Higher College for Occupations in the Service Industries Sector of St. Peter in the Carinthian Rosental valley is also a bilingual school that teaches in German as well as in Slovenian. English and Italian are compulsory; Croatian, Russian and Latin are electives.