Take-off to Slovenia
Region Marketing Carinthia's comprehensive information and image campaign to promote Carinthia as a business location and science hub has got off to a great start in Slovenia.
After just one week of impressive media coverage in leading Slovenian newspapers such as delo, dvevnik, finance, vecer and others, Region Marketing Carinthia is pleased to be processing the first incoming enquiries from Slovenian export-oriented companies and start-ups.
“Our ambition is to create a dense pool of information for companies, scientists, students, skilled workers and investors. In order to support them with their economic and personal activities in Carinthia a special booklet has been published” said Andreas Duller and Simon Pöpperl, Region Marketing Carinthia’s two directors.
Further information including the download link to the e-book.
Naredite prvi korak. Vnesite vaše podatke in prenesite brezplačno e-knjigo že danes. Ker posel ne čaka in ker lahko takoj začnete izkoriščati prednosti, ki jih ponuja Avstrijska Koroška.

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung