Education and training in Carinthia
Diverse, future-orientated and rich in opportunities
If you opt for education and training in Carinthia, you will lay strong foundations for a successful future even at primary school level. Carinthia doesn’t just focus on academic standards and teaching content with a practical relevance, but on the individual student in particular. Thanks to a close cooperation with business and industry, high educational standards and a range of specialisations, individual talents are recognised and fostered. From primary schools to apprenticeships, secondary schools, universities or Universities of Applied Sciences – education and training in Carinthia set you on the path towards a promising future.

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Carinthia invests in first-class education
All children in Austria have the right to an education, which is the central element of a self-determined life. Carinthia doesn’t just take schooling seriously, but sees it as a precious, or even the highest good in life. A good education is also a country’s “insurance policy” that ensures its further growth and development and helps it to actively shape its future. A high-quality educational offer is also a central element for the innovative strength and achievement potential of the Carinthian economy. Qualified skilled and executive staff will find interesting job opportunities with excellent development opportunities in Carinthia, which helps them extend their knowledge base and unleash their full potential.
Practically relevant

Carinthia links theory and practice
The combination of theoretical and practical teaching content, also referred to as a “dual” education system, is a keystone of Austrian apprentice- and traineeships as well as of secondary vocational high schools or colleges. School curricula are built around the requirements of the economy to ensure a consistent link with professional practice. Apprentices are either trained in companies or complete extensive internships and placements as part of their training. Diploma projects, for instance R&D results, are refined for practical application through intensive cooperation with the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences. This approach has a highly positive effect on Carinthia’s success as an economic and learning location and is seen as a model concept by the rest of Europe.

Specialisation instead of generalisation
In addition to its strong emphasis on practical relevance, Carinthia’s education system also sets great store by specialised education and training. The option of specialising is provided even at school level and is a constant theme in secondary schools and colleges with a business or technical slant. Students don’t just choose their field when they go to university, but start exploring it while still at school.

Quality instead of quantity
You won’t find classrooms bursting at the seams in Carinthia. At 20.1 pupils, Austria’s average primary school class size is lower than the OECD average of 21.8 pupils. In terms of class sizes, Korea tops the chart with 35.7 pupils per class, followed by Turkey with 29.7. At the other end of the scale, there is Luxembourg with 15.7 pupils. In Carinthia, this excellent student/teacher ratio is maintained even after the school-leaving exams. At University of Klagenfurt, students usually get a place in the lectures of their choice and are seen and treated as individuals by the teaching staff.

The joy of learning ensures a high level of education
Carinthia lays the foundation for a successful education at every level, starting from primary school. Together with the family unit and the pre-school system, schools are basic societal institutions that play a huge part in determining whether children will lead self-determined lives that are based on motivation and a can-do approach. In Carinthia, teaching is regarded as an active, self-guided process that builds on existing experiences. Students are taught within a social framework that encourages them to actively shape their knowledge of the world. This approach is key for high educational standards and promises a successful future.