Sustainability Management Carinthia | Energy Model Region
Carinthia is committed to renewable, alternative energies
When it comes to energy production, Carinthia has long been at the forefront of alternative, renewable and sustainable technologies. An attractive framework of subsidies makes it easier to switch and accelerates the energy revolution that is currently underway.
Thinking of tomorrow today: Carinthia is climate-friendly
Do you have any questions? We are happy to help!
Clean electricity
Carinthia has increased its share of renewable energy sources in the total energy consumption by 15.1 percent since 2005. The total share of renewable energy now amounts to 55 percent, putting the region right up there among the best in Austria and Europe. For years, 99.4 percent of electricity in Carinthia has come from hydropower, biomass or photovoltaics.
Goal: CO2 neutral
In view of climate change, energy consumption is becoming increasingly important. For this reason, Carinthia has taken a range of measures to lower energy consumption and become CO2-neutral. With the Energy Master Plan and the Mobility Master Plan, a multi-faceted range of implementation strategies was decided several years ago. Carinthia is also the only Austrian province to have introduced a target attainment system. Based on the recent, jointly agreed climate agenda, there will be a greater number of short- and medium-term measures implemented to safeguard target attainment. All these ambitious programmes will help Carinthia reach the targets defined by the Paris Agreement.
Subsidies for a healthy future
When it comes to grants and subsidies, Carinthia focuses on building renovation, boiler replacements when switching to renewable energy sources, the purchase of solar-thermal and photovoltaic systems, the expansion of district heating and public transport systems a well as the switch to e-mobility.
Strict implementation of the Paris climate targets
To increase energy efficiency, Carinthia does not just offer subsidies for the eco-construction and eco-renovation of buildings, but also a comprehensive consulting programme. The Energy Advice Network is one example; another one is the “e5-Programme”, which is essential for implementing the energy revolution on a local and municipal level. In Carinthia, the e5 communities are integral players when it comes to reaching the Paris climate goals. Equally important are the climate and energy model regions, the climate change adaptation scheme regions and the “Klimabündnis” (Climate Alliance) communities. All these initiatives together have reached 88% of the Carinthian population.
Cross-border involvement
The “Ökofit” programme promotes energy consulting services for businesses and communities. As part of the Interreg project NEKTEO “Nachhaltige Energieeffizienz für Kommunen – Trajnostna energetska učinkovitost za občine” (Sustainable Energies for Municipalities), cross-border, awareness-raising measures for energy efficiency, energy conservation and the use of renewable energies are defined and implemented.
All the measures taken by Carinthia to expand the use of alternative and regenerative energy sources take the protection of landscapes, nature and the environment into account, as well as questions of social compatibility.

Michael Stabentheiner; Michael Stabentheiner / Kärnten Werbung