Starting a company in Austria: Welcome to Carinthia!
Investing in Carinthia
Are you thinking about starting a company in Austria? If so, Carinthia is the perfect place. With a well-deserved reputation as a high-tech hub, Carinthia has already provided many young start-ups with a springboard to international success – and not just because the business environment offers fertile ground for new ventures. The region also boasts a network of ambitious public agencies and institutions who work hard at providing advice and support for anyone wishing to found a company or invest in Carinthia. That’s why those who start up here are in pole position to achieve their goals.
A great place to start your own business!

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
Do you have any questions? We are happy to help!

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
The Gründungsnetzwerk is the central digital contact point for innovative founders in Carinthia. The platform bundles all relevant support offers, networks and resources that put start-ups and their visions on the fast lane. The Carinthian start-up network offers access to a strong ecosystem of experienced partners and valuable funding opportunities.
Prepare properly

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
Crossing borders, striking new paths: As well as a comprehensive range of advisory services, Carinthia also offers very specific support programmes targeting SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and business founders. The most important contact points are the KWF – Carinthian Business Promotion Fund and the Economic Chamber Carinthia. To help get your business off to a great start!
Suitable location

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
There’s so much more to choosing a business location than finding suitable offices and staff. Transport links, production sites, suppliers and distribution channels are all key factors that need to be considered when scouting for a location. BABEG advises Austrian and international companies who are interested in setting up business in Carinthia. The Federation of Austrian Industries Carinthia is also a valuable partner when it comes to establishing an extensive network of partners. In particular, the Federation has excellent contacts in Carinthia’s powerful tech industry.

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
Whether you want to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with industry or build strong alliances with the education and research sectors – build! The Start-Up Centre can put you in touch with the most important players, business angels and investors and is thus an ideal springboard, especially as your business enters the growth phase. You’ll also meet people with courage, innovative strength and an entrepreneurial spirit in the Makerspace Carinthia which offers first-class machinery for developing prototypes as well as space for creative exchange.
Founding a Successful Business

@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
The time has come, and you are ready to register your business! The start-up service of the Economic Chamber Carinthia provides advice on everything from taxes and social insurance to minimum turnover and marketing. Always at your side, your personal experts and other contact persons.
Discover Carinthia's many business opportunities on YouTube
Carinthia is international, a good place to start a business
Other success stories from Carinthia

Did you know?
Austria has a stable tax, legal and social insurance system (e.g. company taxation of 25%) and stands out for its business-friendly employment law (termination of employment without having to provide a reason).