Activity & Sport in Carinthia | Clubs & Events
The joy of being active
From skiing to hiking, climbing, swimming, running, golfing, cycling, football and ice-hockey, Carinthia stands for top-level success in elite sports as well as an extensive offer of popular sports.

Franz Gerdl
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Enthusiastic about sports and activity-friendly
In the natural arena that is Carinthia, with its many sports venues of all kinds, hobby athletes will find top conditions for any sport under the sun. Institutions such as the Olympiazentrum Kärnten, the Schulsportleistungsmodell, the Heeresleistungszentrum Faak/See, the University Sports Institute in Klagenfurt and a range of training and performance centres offer top conditions for athletes. Over 60 types of sports are practised in more than 1,600 sports clubs in Carinthia, and when it comes to school sports, Carinthia has for years held Austria’s number one spot, measured by the number of inhabitants.
Carinthia also hosts several high-calibre, large-scale sporting events such as the Ironman, the Ski World Cup, Kärnten läuft and is home to renowned sports associations with a national and international presence. Starting from the winter semester of 2019/2020, Klagenfurt also offers a teacher training degree programme in Movement and Sports.

Bernhard Horst; StadtPresse Klagenfurt/Bernhard Horst