Carinthia - highest economic growth within Austria
According to Statistics Austria, the Austrian federal states have recovered from the Covid crisis to varying degrees in the past year. The boom in industry has led to the strongest economic growth in Carinthia compared to other federal states.
The real gross regional product (GRP) rose by 4.6 percent on average in Austria. In Carinthia, the gross regional product in 2021 was EUR 22.7 billion (+7.3 percent), well above the pre-crisis level of 2019.
Electronics sector responsible for growth/positive outcome
Carinthia recorded a massive real increase in gross value added of almost 20 percent in the manufacture of goods, for which the electronics sector was primarily responsible. Statistics Austria also mentions the German semiconductor manufacturer Infineon with its plant in Villach.
Unemployment hits lowest point
The positive labor market figures also correspond to the good economic data. Gaby Schaunig, responsible for economic development in Carinthia says: “We’re seeing lower unemployment and higher employment than we’ve had in a long time, and we’re surpassing the pre-crisis level of 2019.”
More about the micro-electronics industry in Austria’s south here:
