Showcasing for climate protection has led to funding for Carinthian tourism region
A Carinthian flagship project should prove, why environmental responsibility is also a matter of investment. More about the value of sustainable tourism.
How can climate protection and tourism be successfully aligned? Nine Austrian regions responded to the Climate and Energy Fund’s call for proposals. Among them Carinthian region “Nassfeld, Lesachtal Weissensee”.
The region sucessfully submitted its 10 concrete measures with a focus on nutrition and regional circular economy to the Climate and Energy Fund’s “Model Region’s” call for proposals and convinced the international jury. Almost one million euros from the Climate Fund, – with funds from the Ministry of Climate Protection (BMK), are now available.
Among the goals of the visionary concept: to operate all regional rail transport with “green” buses from 2030 in order to achieve the long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions caused by public transport.
Further information about the flagship project (in GERMAN)

Standortmarketing Michael Stabentheiner; Standortmarketing Michael Stabentheiner
Foto credits: Standortmarketing Kärnten / Michael Stabentheiner