Rethinking Automation in Carinthia
Ingo Spörk, Vice President of Human Resources at KNAPP AG, the technology leader in warehouse logistics, storage automation and logistics software, discusses smart automation and why his company chose Carinthia as its new site.
Future-proof warehousing, logistics and supply chain systems

Načrtovanje rešitev za avtomatizacijo na Koroškem
KNAPP is one of the leading global players in the development and production of intra-logistics systems. The Group has a worldwide network of 53 locations with more than 5,000 employees. One of these sites is in Klagenfurt.
Interaction Between Education and Industry
One of the Group’s offices is in Klagenfurt near Lake Wörthersee. In just three years, the number of staff employed by Knapp in Klagenfurt has jumped from two to 18 – and more people are joining the team all the time. What were the deciding factors behind the decision to open a new site in Carinthia?

The proximity to educational establishments - to say nothing of the excellent quality of life here - were among the deciding factors behind our decision to open a new site next to Lake Wörthersee. (Ingo Spörk)
In einer Presseaussendung des Unternehmens zum bevorstehenden Start in Kärnten, hob Spörk „die Nähe zu Ausbildungseinrichtungen wie Universität, HTLs und Fachhochschulen, eine hervorragender Infrastruktur die hohe Lebensqualität” als ausschlaggebende Kriterien für den neuen Standort am Wörthersee hervor. (November 2017)
Im Rahmen der Standortentscheidung konnten die BABEG und der Lakeside Park die KNAPP AG mit Ideen und Vorschlägen unterstützen, wie neue Mitarbeiter in Kärnten angesprochen werden können.
Die strategische Ausrichtung und damit die Know-how-Hoheit am Standort Klagenfurt liegt im Engineering, also der elektrischen und mechanischen Planung der gewaltigen, weltweit eingesetzten Logistiklösungen. Dahingehend ist auch die Zukunft des Unternehmens ausgerichtet.

» The focus in Klagenfurt: Engineering, planning the electrical and mechanical components of the huge logistics solutions that are used worldwide. «
Working Hand-in-hand with Public Agencies in Carinthia
Skilled workers remain essential for the company, not least of all due to the continuing boom in e-commerce. KNAPP is therefore taking on the challenge of getting young people excited about the broad field of intra-logistics and working in a technical profession. “We go into schools, get teachers on board and launch political initiatives”, says Ingo Spörk.
“With the help of cutting-edge technologies, such as robotics and augmented reality, we develop innovations in the process automation of tomorrow.” KNAPP is also specifically targeting Carinthian students in Graz and other provinces. “We are going to bring them back to Carinthia in future. With the support of Standortmarketing Kärnten we are certain we will succeed”, says technology enthusiast Ingo Spörk in his function as Vice President of Human Resources at KNAPP AG.