Universities & Higher Education Institutions in Carinthia | Research Profile
World class science and research
Research at Higher Education Institutions in Carinthia Higher education institutions have always worked on the burning issues of their time(s) and the University of Klagenfurt and the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences are no different. Since they were founded, both institutions have flourished: In the past 50 years, the University of Klagenfurt has emerged as one of the best young universities in the world. Founded 25 years ago, the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences has a much shorter history, but today is one of the most research-intensive universities of applied sciences in Austria. Neither of the two institutions retreat into their ivory tower: Their point of reference remains thoroughly international. Researchers in Carinthia impress with outstanding ideas, sound expertise and the persistence needed to gradually make the world a better place.
Research at the University of Klagenfurt: one of the best young universities in the world
Promising young scientists and renowned professors alike know those who choose to pursue a research career at the University of Klagenfurt will find an optimal infrastructure with comprehensive support services. Only where outstanding performance is supported is international excellence possible. The scientists at the university reach for the stars, and are frequently successful, as shown by the proud list of Grants & Winners for projects from all four faculties (Humanities, Management and Economics, Technical Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies). Many contribute with their research projects to anticipating and shaping the profound process of change that accompanies digitalisation. They seek to shed light on many aspects of the digital revolution but in particular on technological, economic, legal, social, behavioural and cultural aspects. The recently founded Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) provides the organisational framework for this bold attempt to forge a crossing to the digital age.

Gert Steinthaler; Universität Klagenfurt
University of Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | Austria
T +43 463 2700
E-Mail: uni@aau.at
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Practice-orientated and cooperative: Ambitious research activities at Carinthian higher education institutions
Turning higher education content into practical solutions and promoting the cooperation between businesses and higher education facilities – these are the main goals for the research activities of the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences. Research areas range from Civil Engineering & Architecture to Engineering & IT, Health & Social Studies and Business & Management.
Three research centres – the CisMAT Carinthia Institute for Smart Materials, the IARA Institute for Applied Research on Ageing and the INTERACT/RFFE Lab Josef Ressel Center for Integrated CMOS RF Systems and Circuits Design are home to sixteen research groups that bundle areas of emphasis by discipline as well as on an interdisciplinary basis. The perfect playground for researchers with a thirst for knowledge!

Fachhochschule Kärnten (Carinthian…
Gemeinnützige Privatstiftung
Villacher Straße 1 | 9800 Spittal an der Drau | Austria
T +43 5 90500-0
E-Mail: info@fh-kaernten.at
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