See the latest announcements, news and events from the business and technology hub Carinthia.
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Take-off to Italy
Why Carinthia is the real deal. A special journey to discover Carinthia as a business location and logistic hub.
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Monte Nero Productions; Region Marketing Carinthia
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Save the date!
Carinthia up close! More news about Region Marketing Carinthia's cross-border campaigns, tomorrow, 16 December 11:00. Why you should tune in.
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Take-off to Slovenia
Region Marketing Carinthia's comprehensive information and image campaign to promote Carinthia as a business location and science hub has got off to a great start in Slovenia.
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@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
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Save the date!
Summit "Industrie 4.0 Österreich" ~ Join the virtual event with the motto "digital:regional"! When? Thursday, 10. December 2020 | 10:00-18:00
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NEW VIDEO: A journey to Carinthia. Tune in!
Region marketing's new film about Carinthia is an invitation to immerse onerself in the region's spirit. It is an offer, to connect with places, where the “lake-life-balance” of a modern, future-oriented region at the heart of Europe unfolds.
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@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
Getting down to business
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Save the date!
Webinar, "Invest in Carinthia" ~ Which opportunities are offered to foreign entrepreneurs? - Wednesday 11 November 2020 | 16.45 - 17.45
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Follow us on Social Media!
Region marketing Carinthia is now on linkedin, Instagram, facebook and twitter. We look at issues that directly affect work and life of entrepreneurs, researchers, students, ordinary people, investors.
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@ Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung
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Discover Carinthia!
Find out why you should live and work here. Learn about business opportunities and career options. Take a look at education and training. Find many helpful tips on working and living in Carinthia - in four languages.
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